Feature Release 09/23

Feature Release 09/23

Exciting New Features Arriving for Shopify Plus: Checkout Validation, Redesigned Dashboard, and more!

We are thrilled to announce a series of game-changing updates for AViO that will empower merchants to take control of their checkout process, enhance the user experience, and optimize their operations. These improvements are designed to give you more flexibility, streamline your workflow, and provide an overall smoother shopping journey for your customers. Let's dive right into the details of what's coming your way:

Checkout Validation with Custom Settings (Exclusive to Shopify Plus)

  • Checkout Validation is an advanced way merchants manage customer addresses during the checkout process. With this powerful feature, you can now validate customer addresses in real-time as they are being entered, ensuring accuracy and efficiency at every step of the purchase journey. Additionally, you can choose the number of suggestions shown to the customer in the checkout.

    When a customer proceeds to checkout on your website and enters his shipping address, AViO automatically checks the address for accuracy. If the customer enters an incorrect address, he will be prompted to adjust his input, either manually or by choosing from the suggestions.

    Validation costs already incur when an address is validated during checkout and not when an order is completed. To prevent customers from triggering too many validations, we incorporated the possibility to choose, how often AViO will validate during checkout.

    Please note, that this feature is based on the recently released Shopify checkout extensions, which can only be used by Shopify plus stores. As soon as we are able to do so, we will offer this feature to all Shopify merchants.


Redesigned Dashboard and Effortless Setup

  • We are happy to introduce the all-new dashboard in our app, featuring a sleek and modern design which was crafted to make your experience more intuitive and efficient than ever before. Furthermore, the setup process was refurbished and is now as simple and user-friendly as it gets. Whether you're a seasoned Shopify user or just getting started, you'll find it easier than ever to navigate and configure the app.

    Check out our step-by-step-guide on how to set up AViO! 


All Sales Channels Selectable

  • In response to your feedback, we integrated all sales channels into the app. Now, you have the freedom to decide whether orders from specific sales channels, such as Google, Instagram etc. should undergo validation or not. This also allows merchants with headless storefronts to enable address validation in their store.


Ignore Validation for Digital Downloads and Local Pickup

  • We've improved the validation behavior for digital downloads and local pickup orders. Since for these orders, no delivery is necessary, they won’t automatically be validated and therefore no validations will be charged. This ensures a smoother experience for both you and your customers.


Link Order Status to Proxy-Page and Banner on Thank You Page

  • As orders are fulfilled, the banner on the Thank-you page and the address validation page are automatically updated to reflect the current order status. This ensures, that customers are not confused when going back to the Thank-You page.


These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to improving our app. We value your feedback and continuously work to provide you with the tools and features you need to handle address validation the best.

Please note that validation during checkout is currently available for Shopify Plus stores only. Shopify announced to roll out Checkout Extensions for more Shopify Plans soon.

We can't wait for you to explore these enhancements and discover how they can transform your e-commerce operations. As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated support team is here to help.

Stay tuned for more updates and happy selling!

You would like to try a working address validation app for yourself?